Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Least of These

I had many misconceptions about marriage before mine, I think everyone does. The aspect of self denial caught me off guard more than anything. Within months of being married I recognized the many layers of selfishness I had wrapped myself in. To this day I am ashamed of the pride and arrogance I bring before my wife and even more my God. Those hidden qualities have bore the fruit of envy, self service, and covetousness. I find myself wanting what one neighbor has and showing off what the other does not. The only cure for this is the humility found in Christ, I cannot beat this. I feel the only thing I can do is sacrifice my life for Him, and I am reminded of Matthew 25...

"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'

So I have decided to serve the "least of these" in one capacity. I am going to volunteer for a group called CASA(Court Appointed Special Advocate). CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to watch over and advocate for abused and neglected children, to make sure they don’t get lost in the overburdened legal and social service system or languish in an inappropriate group or foster home. They stay with each case until it is closed, and the child is placed in a safe, permanent home. For many abused children, their CASA volunteer will be the one constant adult presence—the one adult who cares only for them. I have an interview next Tuesday April 14 at 10am with someone in the McKinney office. I am scared to death, but excited at the possibilities. If you do read this, please be praying for me. I really need it.


  1. I will be praying for you Jason. I am so excited you are going to volunteer with CASA. I can't wait to hear about your experience.

  2. You can also count on the prayers of both Megan and myself.

  3. EEEEK! Jason I am so excited for the many blessings you will receive, and the many blessings you will be giving while doing this. As you know, this is a subject that is near and dear to our hearts, and we are so excited for you!

    There will be many truly heartbreaking stories that you will hear, but so many happy endings too, whether it be that the children get to go back to their birth-family (because they straightened up) or that they are placed in a "forever family." Just know that Baron and I are praying for you during this time, that you are able to keep a strong yet gentle heart for these kids who so desperately need people like you in their lives!
